Have you registered your boat?
Did you know that it's a requirement in Canada to have your pleasure craft licensed if it's over 10 hp?
Transport Canada has made it so user friendly to do your licensing, all online.
- Apply for a new pleasure craft licence.
- Transfer a previously Canadian licensed pleasure craft to their name.
- Update information (change of address; telephone number, contact information, as well as any changes made to the boat); and
- Request a duplicate copy of their pleasure craft licence
Registering is free to do, but the penalty for not having it completed is a $ 250 fine.
Once you obtain your license number via email or mail, display your numbers in accordance to the regulations:
Both sides of the bow, above the waterline, in block characters that are at least 7.5 centimetres (3 inches) high and in a colour that contrasts with the colour of the bow.
To get started, you’ll need the following:
- Proof of ownership
- A copy of a signed, valid piece of government issued ID
- Full side view color photo of the boat being license
- Visit this website to complete this process: https://www.pcl-pep.snbservices.ca/...
If you have any questions in regards to registering your Outlaw pleasure craft, feel free to email us - info@outlaweagle.com